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    Tattoo Removal:
    Laser Treatment for Colored Tattoos

    Tattoo removal may bring the high risk of scarring and pain. Fortunately, O2 Clinics have the advanced laser treatment by using Medlite Laser, which safely penetrate the skin and target each tattoo ink colour. Black and Multi-colored tattoos can be removed through the advanced MedLite laser treatment in O2 Clinic.

    • Eliminates tattoos precisely without harming surrounding skin
    • Quick, comfortable
    • Suitable for all skin types
    • Able to remove black and multi-colored tattoos
    • Done by Doctor

    How does tattoo laser removal work?

    As the light energy gently vibrates and shatters the tattoo ink into easily eliminated microparticles, O2 MedLite laser feels similar to snaps of small rubber bands, followed by a warm sensation.

    A temporary whitening will follow the first treatment. Over time, the tattoo particles will fade and the skin will return to its natural colour.

    How soon can I see the result?

    Tattoos will gradually fade during a course of 5 to 15 treatment sessions.

    What not to do after tattoo removal?

    After undergoing tattoo removal, it’s important to follow specific guidelines to promote healing, minimize complications, and achieve optimal results. Here are some important “not to do” after tattoo removal:

    – Avoid picking, scratching, or rubbing the treated area, as this can disrupt the healing process, increase the risk of infection, and potentially lead to scarring or pigment changes.

    – Protect the treated area from direct sunlight and UV radiation, as sun exposure can increase the risk of hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and other complications. If sun exposure is unavoidable, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to the area.

    – Refrain from soaking the treated area in hot baths, hot tubs, or saunas, as excessive heat can irritate the skin, increase swelling, and prolong the healing process.

    – Avoid applying harsh skincare products, such as exfoliants, retinoids, or products containing alcohol or fragrances, to the treated area. These products can irritate the skin and interfere with the healing process.

    – Refrain from wearing tight clothing or bandages that rub against the treated area, as friction can cause irritation and delay healing. Opt for loose, breathable clothing to promote comfort and airflow.

    – Avoid swimming or soaking the treated area in bodies of water, such as pools, lakes, or hot tubs, until it is fully healed. Submersion in water can increase the risk of infection and disrupt the healing process.

    – Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise that may strain or irritate the treated area. Allow your body to rest and heal properly to minimize discomfort and promote optimal results.

    – Refrain from smoking or using nicotine products, as tobacco can impair circulation, delay healing, and increase the risk of complications such as infection or poor wound healing.

    – Avoid Touching the Area with Dirty Hands**: Keep the treated area clean and avoid touching it with unwashed hands, as this can introduce bacteria and increase the risk of infection.

    – Don’t Skip Follow-Up Appointments**: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress, assess healing, and determine if additional treatments or care are needed.

    Are old tattoos easier to remove?

    Yes, older tattoos are easier to remove compared to the newer ones in general. Other than that, black, red and dark blue inks are having highest degree of success compared to green and sky blue.

    Which body areas are treatable?

    All body parts are able to have tattoo removed, and some areas such as arms, legs, neck, chest, upper, lower back are easier to do. Meanwhile, the other parts such as hands, lower legs and feet usually will require more treatments.

    Tattoo Before
    Tattoo After

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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    Working Time
    • Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
      Friday 07:00 – 22:00
      Saturday 08:00 – 18:00
    Contact Info
    Ask the Experts