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    Friday 07:00 – 22:00
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    Pigmentation & Freckles

    Skin hyperpigmentation and freckles treatment at O2 Klinik

    Pigmentation Treatment

    As the skin ages, the collagen and elastin support network break down. Lines and wrinkles appear, age spots surface and the facial structure soon loses its fight against gravity. Skin care products can do little to fix the breakdown of the skin’s matrix, pigmentation problems and other effects of the sun.

    O2 Laser skin rejuvenation treatment uses PicoLaser, Medlite, or Q-Switch to employs a precise wavelength of light energy to go where topical treatments can’t travel. The selective energy targets only collagen, fibers or pigment. It is suitable to treat all skin, even dark and tanned skin.

    The laser light wavelength penetrates the skin to stimulate collagen. As new collagen is synthesized, fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. A rejuvenated appearance, smoother texture, even skin tone and smaller appearance of pore size can be expected after laser procedures. Besides, Medlite laser offers a proven method to remove unwanted pigment , brown age spots, freckles and unwanted pigment.

    After pigmentation laser treatment at O2 Klinik
    Pigmentation Before
    After pigmentation laser treatment at O2 Klinik
    Pigmentation After

    Certified Laser


    No Side Effects


    Fast and Painless


    Comfortable and no downtime




    Safe and Efficient


    FDA & WHO Approved


    Done by Doctor

    What causes pigmentation on face?

    More commonly It cause by hormonal, genetic, too much sun exposure, oral contraceptives pills and etc.

    Can pigmentation be removed permanently?

    All the pigment can be removed, but it will come back if we don’t take care of our face, for example expose too much of sunlight, not applying moisturiser, not applying sunscreen and etc.

    What is the difference between freckles and hyperpigmentation?

    Freckles and hyperpigmentation are both conditions that affect the skin’s pigmentation but differ in their causes, appearance, and characteristics.

    While freckles are usually harmless and often a result of sun exposure, hyperpigmentation can have various underlying causes and may require specific treatments to address the excess pigmentation.

    Freckles are primarily caused by genetics and sun exposure. They’re more common in individuals with fair skin and tend to darken when exposed to sunlight. They are small, flat, and usually light to medium brown in color. They are most commonly found on areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun, such as the face, arms, and shoulders.

    Hyperpigmentation refers to patches of skin that are darker than the surrounding skin due to an excess production of melanin. It can be caused by various factors, including sun exposure, hormonal changes (like melasma or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after acne), certain medications, inflammation, or skin injuries. Hyperpigmentation can appear as larger, irregularly shaped patches or spots that vary in color, such as brown, gray, or black. The appearance and size can vary depending on the underlying cause.

    Can laser remove pigmentation?

    Yes, laser treatments can effectively target and reduce unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Laser therapy for pigmentation issues works by delivering concentrated light energy to specific areas of the skin, targeting pigmented cells and breaking up excess melanin, which causes pigmentation irregularities.

    How painful is the laser procedure for pigmentation & freckles removal?

    Generally, during a laser treatment session, patients might feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or mild stinging as the laser energy is delivered to the skin.

    To manage discomfort during the procedure, we may apply a topical anesthetic cream or use cooling devices before, during, or after the treatment to help alleviate any discomfort.

    Any downtime?

    The duration and severity of downtime can differ based on the specific laser used, the depth of the treatment, and individual skin responses.

    Some people may experience minimal downtime and resume regular activities soon after the procedure, while others may require a few days for the skin to fully recover.

    How many sessions do I need?

    The number of sessions needed for pigmentation laser treatment can vary based on several factors, including the type of pigmentation, its severity, the specific laser used, and individual skin response. In many cases, multiple sessions are required to achieve optimal results.

    For pigmentation concerns like sunspots, age spots, melasma, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, several treatment sessions spaced several weeks apart are often recommended to gradually lighten and reduce the appearance of pigmented areas.

    It’s essential to have a consultation with our doctor before starting laser treatment for pigmentation. During this consultation, they can assess your specific pigmentation concerns, evaluate your skin type, discuss your expectations, and provide a personalized treatment plan, including the estimated number of sessions required.

    What types of pigmentation can be treated with laser?

    Lasers can effectively treat various types of skin pigmentation concerns. Some common types of pigmentation issues that can be addressed with laser treatments include:

    – Sunspots or Age Spots
    – Melasma
    – Hyperpigmentation
    – Freckles
    – Hori’s naevus
    – Uneven skin tone

    Working Time
    • Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
      Friday 07:00 – 22:00
      Saturday 08:00 – 18:00
    Contact Info
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